Constituency no. 11
Boundaries: sołectwa: Gryżów i Węża
Precinct No.AddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedCorrespondence precinct entitleddispensed ballot cardsAttendancevotesvalid votes% of valid votes
8 Wiejski Dom Kultury, ul. Nyska 21, Ścinawa Nyska, 48-325 Korfantów GeneralNoNo 602 130
21,59%130126 96,92%
List no. 1 - KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW "STRAŻAK" - Zarejestrowana
Number in the listFamily name and given namesAgeAddress Number of valid votes for candidate% of valid votesMandate
1 Słowik Józef Stanisław 59 Węża 51
40.48% Nie
List no. 2 - KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW ROLNIK - Zarejestrowana
Number in the listFamily name and given namesAgeAddress Number of valid votes for candidate% of valid votesMandate
1 Bednarczyk Sylwia Edyta 42 Gryżów 75
59.52% Tak
*) Content of vetting statements are based on the territorial election commission announcement