Precinct no. 516 - Precinct protocol |
Name of local unit | Prezydent Warszawy |
Content of the question | Czy jest Pan/Pani za odwołaniem Hanny Beaty GRONKIEWICZ-WALTZ Prezydenta Warszawy przed upływem kadencji ? |
Electoral Commission Regional Headquarters | Szkoła Podstawowa nr 218, ul. Kajki 80/82, Wawer, Anin, 04-621 Warszawa |
Precinct type | General |
Number of persons entitled | 2 323 |
Number of dispensed ballot cards | 618 |
Number of dispensed ballot cards for plenipotentiaries | 0 |
Number of election packets sent | 0 |
Number of votes cast | 618 |
Valid votes | 609 |
Number of votes "YES" | 570 |
Number of votes "NO" | 39 |