Summary information about candidates to office - vote on 24-02-2013
No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Komitet Number of votes for candidate Votes % Elected
1 Borczyk Robert Mariusz 37 Wyższe Zawonia, not a member of any political party KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW NASZA GMINA - ROBERT BORCZYK 1351 73.22% Yes
2 Grucela Piotr 40 Wyższe Grochowa, not a member of any political party KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW PIOTRA GRUCELI 494 26.78% No
*) Content of vetting statements are based on the territorial election commission announcement
Summary information about precincts - vote on 24-02-2013
Precinct No. Address Precinct type Location accessible for the handicapped Correspondence precinct Number of Attendance valid votes % of valid votes
entitled dispensed ballot cards votes
1Sala widowiskowa Gminnego Ośrodka Kultury i Biblioteka w Zawoni, ul. Trzebnicka 11, 55-106 Zawonia General Yes No 1775 929929 52,34%
919 98,92%
2Sala gimnastyczna w Zawoni, ul. Szkolna 1, 55-106 Zawonia General Yes No 1471 488488 33,17%
481 98,57%
3Sala nr 4 Szkoły Podstawowej w Czeszowie, ul. M. Konopnickiej 18, Czeszów, 55-106 Zawonia General Yes No 1302 451451 34,64%
445 98,67%
Totalling 4548 1868 1868 41,07%
1845 98,77%