Summary information about candidates to office - vote again on 29-04-2012
No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Komitet Number of votes for candidate Votes % Elected
1 Kosiński Jan Władysław 50 Wyższe Stara Jabłona, not a member of any political party KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW MAŁA OJCZYZNA JAN KOSIŃSKI 1338 75.25% Yes
2 Wojtasik Danuta 39 Wyższe Szyba, not a member of any political party KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW DANUTY WOJTASIK 440 24.75% No
*) Content of vetting statements are based on the territorial election commission announcement
Summary information about precincts - vote again on 29-04-2012
Precinct No. Address Precinct type Location accessible for the handicapped Correspondence precinct Number of Attendance valid votes % of valid votes
entitled dispensed ballot cards votes
1Sala w Urzędzie Gminy, Niegosławice 55, 67-312 Niegosławice General Yes No 1238 613613 49,52%
608 99,18%
2Gminne Centrum Kultury, Gościeszowice 90, 67-312 Niegosławice General No No 1020 406406 39,80%
396 97,54%
3Gimnazjum, Przecław 83, 67-312 Niegosławice General Yes No 1431 789789 55,14%
774 98,10%
Totalling 3689 1808 1808 49,01%
1778 98,34%

Summary information about candidates to office - vote on 15-04-2012
No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Komitet Number of votes for candidate Votes % Elected
1 Ciołka Piotr 41 wyższe Niegosławice, not a member of any political party KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW PRZEDSIĘBIORCZA GMINA 175 9.65% No
2 Kocik Leszek 51 średnie Gościeszowice, not a member of any political party KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW LESZEK KOCIK 126 6.95% No
3 Kosiński Jan Władysław 50 Wyższe Stara Jabłona, not a member of any political party KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW MAŁA OJCZYZNA JAN KOSIŃSKI 868 47.85% Takes part in next ballot
4 Michalski Zbigniew 52 wyższe Gościeszowice, not a member of any political party KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW ZBIGNIEWA MICHALSKIEGO 32 1.76% No
5 Sawicki Andrzej Dariusz 40 wyższe Bukowica, member of Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW ANDRZEJA SAWICKIEGO 10 0.55% No
6 Teler Zbigniew 63 wyższe Szprotawa, member of Sojuszu Lewicy Demokratycznej KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW NASZA WIEŚ NASZA GMINA 105 5.79% No
7 Towpik Czesław Jan 53 średnie Mycielin, member of Platformy Obywatelskiej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW TOWPIK CZESŁAW 194 10.69% No
8 Wojtasik Danuta 39 Wyższe Szyba, not a member of any political party KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW DANUTY WOJTASIK 304 16.76% Takes part in next ballot
*) Content of vetting statements are based on the territorial election commission announcement
Summary information about precincts - vote on 15-04-2012
Precinct No. Address Precinct type Location accessible for the handicapped Correspondence precinct Number of Attendance valid votes % of valid votes
entitled dispensed ballot cards votes
1Sala w Urzędzie Gminy, Niegosławice 55, 67-312 Niegosławice General Yes No 1238 638638 51,53%
630 98,75%
2Gminne Centrum Kultury, Gościeszowice 90, 67-312 Niegosławice General No No 1015 505505 49,75%
495 98,02%
3Gimnazjum, Przecław 83, 67-312 Niegosławice General Yes No 1426 700700 49,09%
689 98,43%
Totalling 3679 1843 1843 50,10%
1814 98,43%