gm. Urszulin, pow. włodawski, woj. lubelskie
Summary information about candidates to office - vote again on 15-04-2012 | ||||||||
No. | Family name and given names | Age | Education | Address, party membership and endorsements | Komitet | Number of votes for candidate | Votes % | Elected |
1 | Antoniuk Tomasz Andrzej | 33 | wyższe | Wereszczyn, member of Platformy Obywatelskiej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej | KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW TOMASZA ANTONIUKA | 977 | 63.44% | Yes |
2 | Kozłowski Dariusz Adam | 50 | wyższe | Urszulin, not a member of any political party | KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW NASZA GMINA | 563 | 36.56% | No |
*) Content of vetting statements are based on the territorial election commission announcement |
Summary information about precincts - vote again on 15-04-2012 | |||||||||||
Precinct No. | Address | Precinct type | ![]() |
![]() |
Number of | Attendance | valid votes | % of valid votes | |||
entitled | dispensed ballot cards | votes | |||||||||
1 | Budynek Skoły Podstawowej, Wytyczno 143, 22-234 Urszulin | General | No | No | 522 | 202 | 202 | 38,70% | 202 | 100,00% | |
2 | Budynek Zespołu Szkół (Gimnazjum), ul. Szkolna 23, 22-234 Urszulin | General | Yes | No | 1936 | 930 | 930 | 48,04% | 915 | 98,39% | |
3 | Budynek Szkoły Podstawowej, Wereszczyn 42, 22-234 Urszulin | General | No | No | 453 | 216 | 216 | 47,68% | 214 | 99,07% | |
4 | Budynek Szkoły Podstawowej, Wola Wereszczyńska 2, 22-234 Urszulin | General | No | No | 477 | 213 | 213 | 44,65% | 209 | 98,12% | |
Totalling | 3388 | 1561 | 1561 | 46,07% | 1540 | 98,65% |
Summary information about candidates to office - vote on 01-04-2012 | ||||||||
No. | Family name and given names | Age | Education | Address, party membership and endorsements | Komitet | Number of votes for candidate | Votes % | Elected |
1 | Antoniuk Tomasz Andrzej | 33 | wyższe | Wereszczyn, member of Platformy Obywatelskiej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej | KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW TOMASZA ANTONIUKA | 814 | 44.46% | Takes part in next ballot |
2 | Chudzik Mirosław | 51 | wyższe | Urszulin, member of Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego | KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW MIROSŁAWA CHUDZIKA | 206 | 11.25% | No |
3 | Herbut Zdzisław Eugeniusz | 50 | wyższe | Urszulin, not a member of any political party | KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW ZDZISŁAWA HERBUTA | 262 | 14.31% | No |
4 | Kłębukowski Arkadiusz | 39 | średnie | Łomnica, not a member of any political party | KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW ARKADIUSZA KŁĘBUKOWSKIEGO | 81 | 4.42% | No |
5 | Konias Grażyna | 44 | wyższe | Babsk, not a member of any political party | KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW MIESZKAŃCÓW GMINY URSZULIN | 73 | 3.99% | No |
6 | Kozłowski Dariusz Adam | 50 | wyższe | Urszulin, not a member of any political party | KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW NASZA GMINA | 279 | 15.24% | Takes part in next ballot |
7 | Wołosiuk Mariusz Piotr | 43 | wyższe | Wereszczyn, member of Sojuszu Lewicy Demokratycznej | KOMITET WYBORCZY SOJUSZ LEWICY DEMOKRATYCZNEJ | 116 | 6.34% | No |
*) Content of vetting statements are based on the territorial election commission announcement |
Summary information about precincts - vote on 01-04-2012 | |||||||||||
Precinct No. | Address | Precinct type | ![]() |
![]() |
Number of | Attendance | valid votes | % of valid votes | |||
entitled | dispensed ballot cards | votes | |||||||||
1 | Budynek Skoły Podstawowej, Wytyczno 143, 22-234 Urszulin | General | No | No | 522 | 234 | 234 | 44,83% | 234 | 100,00% | |
2 | Budynek Zespołu Szkół (Gimnazjum), ul. Szkolna 23, 22-234 Urszulin | General | Yes | No | 1937 | 1099 | 1099 | 56,74% | 1088 | 99,00% | |
3 | Budynek Szkoły Podstawowej, Wereszczyn 42, 22-234 Urszulin | General | No | No | 453 | 243 | 243 | 53,64% | 241 | 99,18% | |
4 | Budynek Szkoły Podstawowej, Wola Wereszczyńska 2, 22-234 Urszulin | General | No | No | 478 | 278 | 278 | 58,16% | 268 | 96,40% | |
Totalling | 3390 | 1854 | 1854 | 54,69% | 1831 | 98,76% |