Constituency no. 7
Boundaries: Przypisówka
Precinct No.AddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedCorrespondence precinct entitleddispensed ballot cardsAttendancevotesvalid votes% of valid votes
5 Lokal Szkoły Podstawowej, Przypisówka 18, 21-136 Firlej GeneralNoNo 415 146
35,18%146146 100,00%
List no. 1 - KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW "Nasza Wspólnota" - Zarejestrowana
Number in the listFamily name and given namesAgeAddress Number of valid votes for candidate% of valid votesMandate
1 Stasiak Cezary Paweł 32 Przypisówka 61
41.78% Tak
List no. 2 - KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW "Nasza Wieś" - Zarejestrowana
Number in the listFamily name and given namesAgeAddress Number of valid votes for candidate% of valid votesMandate
1 Janczara Radosław 31 Przypisówka 40
27.40% Nie
List no. 3 - KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW "Nasza Rodzina" - Zarejestrowana
Number in the listFamily name and given namesAgeAddress Number of valid votes for candidate% of valid votesMandate
1 Grzegorczyk Anna Renata 42 Przypisówka 28
19.18% Nie
List no. 4 - KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW Grzegorza Patronowicza - Zarejestrowana
Number in the listFamily name and given namesAgeAddress Number of valid votes for candidate% of valid votesMandate
1 Patronowicz Grzegorz 34 Przypisówka 17
11.64% Nie
*) Content of vetting statements are based on the territorial election commission announcement